What to bring on Mount Elgon are usually personal items like mountain climbing gear that you will need to use everyday as you hike or descend. You need to carry less stuff because the hike will not be an easy one with a heavy backpack on your back, though you may use porters to carry them. To these porters, you will pay some little amount.

Necessary Hiking Items – Part of What to Bring on Mount Elgon
Carry anti-malaria regiment along with any other medicine you will need. Sun lotion, bug repellent for skin and clothing.
Camera and battery charger. Remember that UK plugs are used here in Uganda. So, bring a quality camera because there will be so many opportunities for taking high quality pictures.
Hiking shoes are very important because the routes will be very slippery. The main reason why you need shoes is to protect your feet from rocks and debris on the trail. Hiking footwear should also have good grip, keep your feet dry, and be light enough to move easily. Many hikers use trail running shoes, so, you don’t need hiking boots.
On top of that, a good quality pair of hiking shoes will help keep your feet warm, wick away moisture and make for a much more enjoyable hiking experience. When hiking, we rely on our feet and ankles to keep us upright and moving. Be sure to take care of them with good foot gear!
Sleeping Bags and Insect Repellents
Then a sleeping bag is crucial for keeping you comfortable, which will give you the rest you need to be energized for your activities and the rest of your travels! As well it makes your trek simpler and keeps you always comfortable and will give you the required rest while you are on trek anywhere anytime.
A proper sleeping bag is one of the most important choices for any backpacking trip. It’s critical for warmth, comfort and safety, while helping your body get the rest it needs. Your sleeping bag will also be one of the four heaviest items in your pack, which include the shelter, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and backpack, so it’s a good place to save weight as well.
Check with the manufacturer to find the correct length sleeping bag to fit your height. If you’re on the edge, the longer size will usually be a better fit. With a quilt, consider bumping up one size for the ability to pull it over your head on really chilly nights.
Antibacterial wipes, body lotion, comb, brush, contact lens solution, if needed. Deodorant, face cleanser, floss, insect repellent, lip balm , malaria tablets, personal-hygiene items, prescriptions, razors, shampoo and conditioner, shaving gel, soap and sunscreen.
Cooking Equipment and Porter Fees
In groups or the individual person is accompanied by a guide as well as a porter(s), to carry luggage during the hiking process. Each porter carries a maximum of 18kg, and any extra kilogram or luggage is chargeable at an extra cost.
You may also need a cook, in case the porter has no such skills. Together with your food menu goes cooking equipment, tents and camping gears. The cook will help in preparing food while the porter will help in the camping. Drinking water will be found on the mountain; however it is advised to bring disinfecting tablets. All the above mentioned items can be hired at Uganda Wildlife Authority Mount Elgon offices.
Flashlights are also necessary for giving direct beam of light with the versatility and reliability of a high-quality flashlight. You may also need a battery powered reading light.
All other required equipment in hiking may include: rucksack, sleeping bag for low temperature and sleeping mat, one plate, cutlery, mug, knife, trekking shoes, poncho or raincoat, heavy warm jacket, hand gloves, scarf and hat, one jumper, a torch.
Similar gear may be considered if you are planning for a gorilla trekking experience in either Bwindi Impenetrable or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, further southwest of Uganda.